Greater wellbeing is possible for everyone!

And it's simple once you learn what really works.

about Celeste

Hi there! I'm celeste, author, psychotherapist and mindfulness practitioner.

I help people reduce anxiety and manage chronic pain.

After healing myself from my own debilitating anxiety and chronic pain, I'm now passionate about helping others discover that they too have the power to heal themselves. I'm here to guide you through evidence-based practices from mindfulness, CBT, positive psychology, and somatic psychotherapy that help you heal and thrive!


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are you ready to live a happier life?

Get a FREE chapter of Live Kind, Be Happy and boost your joy!

Research suggests that kindness is one of the quickest ways to become happier. Live Kind, Be Happy illuminates how your personal commitment to kindness will improve every aspect of your life and ultimately be world-changing. Get your free chapter or buy now.

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begin your happiness journey today!

Live a happier life now with your FREE Happiness Starter Kit.

The science of positive psychology has unearthed lots of evidence-based activities for boosting happiness. The problem is that many of us either aren't aware of these activities or don't put them into practice in our lives. So Celeste has compiled a starter kit to teach you some of those activities. Get your FREE Happiness Starter Kit now!